In a recent post, titled "The Story So Far..." I talked about the work I have been doing, and the progress I have made with the various sources of learning. This post aims to expand on this, with some added reflection on my programme of study, and the 'journey' so far.
Initially, I commenced my studies at DJCAD with the intention of focusing on 3D animation - specifically gaining a better understanding of the principles of animation, and how to apply them in being a better animator. This interest came from the work I had undertaken as part of my Honours studies, where I created a short animation depicting a story from Greek mythology - "Theseus And The Minotaur" (this was an individual project).
However, after taking advantage of the opportunity to attend presentations by a wide range of people, I gained an insight into using 3D computer graphics as a visualisation tool - this was thanks to an insight into the work being done by John McGhee and Chris Rowland, although I was more interested in the idea of biomedical visualisation.
This change in direction forced me to change my programme of study to something more appropriate, and as discussed in "The Story So Far..." I have since spent time developing the necessary skills in 3D computer graphics.
These skills have been relevant to my programme of study, as I am currently involved in two projects which make use of this new technical undertstanding. The first project is in collaboration with the University mathematics division, and involves developing more visual methods of visualising mathematical data (more specifically, cell visualisation). The second project is a visual-effects based project, in collaboration with another MSc student. As part of this project, I am responsible for 3D modelling, and creating a dynamics simulation.
Although each of these projects have had difficulties, good progress has been made and the experience has been invaluable. If the projects did not have any problems, I would not have learned nearly as much as I have, and I would not be as prepared for future projects as I am now.
Now that I have a stronger understanding of 3D computer graphics and their use in visualisation, I can focus on the application of these skills, and concentrate on completing these projects.
Moving forwards, I would like to continue developing my 3D abilities, and gear this specifically towards using RealFlow for advanced dynamics simulation (allowing me more flexibility in the type of visuals I can create) and learning MEL scripting within Maya (potentially giving me the option to automatically generate visuals from huge amounts of mathematical data).
Considering the drastic change of direction in my programme of study, I am glad I started developing skills in visualisation. Moving forwards, I am excited by the range of projects out there, and look forward to developing my own visual style.
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